Factory Lane Consultation

Thank you for visiting the public exhibition website for Bridge Industrial’s proposed development at Factory Lane, Croydon.

The consultation website will be live from 8 November 2021 until 30 November 2021. After this date, we will provide updates via the website and be available to answer further questions. For those who are not able to take part online, details of the proposals will be sent in the post and feedback taken over the phone.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that you have found this online consultation useful. In the absence of a traditional public exhibition, Bridge Industrial is keen for residents to have the opportunity to ask questions as you would have at a physical event.

The project team have produced the following Frequently Asked Questions, which seek to identify and address your questions. If you are unable to find an answer to your question below, please contact us directly via bridgefactorylane@connectpa.co.uk or use the contact form at the bottom of this page.

What are you planning to do here?

Bridge Industrial recently acquired the Factory Lane site and is now looking to bring forward a full planning application to deliver a new state-of-the-art logistics facility.

The proposals will deliver one high-quality logistics unit totalling 5,825 square metres of ancillary office space and parking facilities. Our proposals have carefully considered local priorities and concerns as they have developed, including for traffic and highways, landscaping and sustainability.

The site is currently a vacant and underutilised industrial site. This has led to the site becoming run-down, which is having an impact on the surrounding area. Bridge’s proposals will bring the site back into use.

The proposals have carefully considered the design and materials that will be used for the building and offices to ensure they are visually pleasing.

The scheme has been evolved to ensure that it is in keeping with the character of the area.

Will this lead to increased local pollution?

Bridge fully recognises the importance of new developments having the strongest possible sustainability credentials.

As part of Bridge’s commitment to achieving a carbon net zero development, the building will be developed using the most sustainable materials. Bridge will include solar thermal energy and solar panels, LED lighting and EV charging infrastructure.  We will also include secure cycling storage and shower facilities for employees on site.

We are committed to achieving a BREEAM Excellent rating for this development.

What will be done to reduce noise and light during construction and operation?

Bridge Industrial is aware of the concerns local residents that live in close proximity to the north of Factory Lane, particularly on Euston Road, Thomson Crescent, Martin Crescent and Enterprise Close.

The proposed scheme would deliver a building able to contain operational noise far better than the existing situation at the site.

Bridge will endeavour to implement measures that will help to mitigate concerns regarding noise pollution. This will include ensuring that HGV movements are directed away from residential areas.

In addition, the building has been designed to ensure that lighting from the buildings will be directed away from residential properties. The lights used on-site will be energy-efficient.

Bridge Industrial will be submitting this application alongside a Construction Management Plan, which will be agreed with the Council and TfL to ensure that there are minimal disturbances to neighbours during the construction period.

How will traffic impact be managed?

Bridge Industrial understands that developments of this nature can cause concerns regarding traffic and congestion on the local road network. Bridge has responded to the London Plan’s requirements to optimise the use of employment land such as sites of this nature.

Bridge is preparing a detailed Transport Assessment which will assess the impact on the wider road network. Bridge Industrial has engaged with Croydon Council and TfL to ensure the assessment covers the required area and mitigates any potential implications for all modes of transport to and from the site.

How is this development responding to local needs and priorities?

The site is part of an existing Strategic Industrial Area and has been allocated for industrial development in the Local Plan.  The proposed development has therefore responded to Croydon’s priorities and will deliver a scheme which is aligned with the Council’s ambitions for the area.

When will you be submitting a planning application?

We will be submitting a planning application to London Borough of Croydon Council in November 2021.

Can't find the answer above? Please use this form to contact the project team by e-mail.